Legal Graffiti Wall (Beverly, MA)

Date Of Visit: July 14, 2018

Location: McPherson St., Beverly MA (entrance is located on West Federal St) (about 30 minutes northeast of Boston. MA)

Hours: open daily sunrise to sunset

Cost: Free

Handicapped Accessible: No

Dog Friendly: Yes

Highlights: legal graffiti wall in Beverly, MA

Fun Facts:

  • this “permission wall” is one of the few legal graffiti walls in MA
  • the wall has been accessible to artists since 1995
  • the wall has 500 feet of space for graffiti

Website: Legal Graffiti Wall Facebook Page


Tucked behind an industrial building in Beverly, MA, is a haven for graffiti artists of all skill levels and artistic styles.

The 500 foot wall behind the Clemenzi Industrial building has some very creative art from a variety of artists.

Stylized lettering designs are one of the more popular works on the wall.

Of course, there is a tribute to the home sports team.

As well as the artists renditions of popular television characters.

There were two graffiti artists at the wall when I arrived.


If you do go, don’t do what I did and cross the railroad tracks on McPherson (for obvious reasons). But, you can see some nice views of the art from the parking lot. Police and rail workers are said to patrol the area to ensure no one crosses the tracks . The main entrance is on West Federal St at the intersection just before or after the graffiti wall depending upon which direction you are coming from. There is also an entrance on West Dayne St.

One of the great things about the graffiti wall is that you can continually go back and see different works of art. The wall is cleaned and the graffiti is erased on a regular basis to make room for new works. I am sure I will be making more visits out there to view the new graffiti. Maybe I’ll bring a few spray paint cans with me!

Below is a video of a walk through of the graffiti wall.

About New England Nomad

Hi I'm Wayne. Welcome to my blog. I am a true New Englander through and through. I love everything about New England. I especially love discovering new places in New England and sharing my experiences with everyone. I tend to focus on the more unique and lesser known places and things in New England on my blog. Oh yeah, and I love dogs. I always try to include at least one dog in each of my blog posts. I discovered my love of photography a couple of years ago. I know, I got a late start. Now, I photograph anything that seems out of the ordinary, interesting, beautiful and/or unique. And I have noticed how every person, place or thing I photograph has a story behind it or him or her. I don't just photograph things or people or animals. I try to get their background, history or as much information as possible to give the subject more context and meaning. It's interesting how one simple photograph can evoke so much. I am currently using a Nikon D3200 "beginner's camera." Even though there are better cameras on the market, and I will upgrade some time, I love how it functions (usually) and it has served me well. The great thing about my blog is you don't have to be from New England, or even like New England to like my blog (although I've never met anyone who doesn't). All you have to like is to see and read about new or interesting places and things. Hopefully, you'll join me on my many adventures in New England! View all posts by New England Nomad

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