Category Archives: Winteractive

Winteractive (Boston, MA)

Date of Event Currently on display (Jan 17 – Apr 15)

Location: Downtown Boston (MA)

Cost: Free

Parking: There are several parking garages in the downtown Boston area.

Universally Accessible: Yes

Dog Friendly: Yes

Website: Winteractive

Summary: 16 art exhibits are located throughout downtown Boston.

While this winter weather may have been a difficult one for many of us, there was a bright spot in the downtown Boston area. The walkable art exhibit known as Winteractive brought some color and fun to what can be a dreary and frigid Boston winter.

The exhibits, which were inspired by the winter art festivals in Quebec, Canada, are located throughout the downtown Boston area. However, they are mainly located near Downtown Crossing train station, City Hall Plaza and High Street as well as Summer St. near the South Station train station. You can view the locations on this map. While it is possible to walk to all of the exhibits, it may be a good idea to use public transportation or rideshare services to view some of the exhibits off the beaten path.

As you will see, some of the exhibits are interactive. Whenever possible, I got some friendly people to help use the interactive devices for filming. I am listing these exhibits in the order of their locations. Eleven exhibits are are located in or near the Downtown Crossing area. Two more are located in or near City Hall Plaza and the last 2 are located in the Financial District on or near Summer St. Consult the map on the attached link above if you plan on visiting these exhibits.

Echoes: A Voice From Unchartered Waters

1 Franklin St

Mathias Gmachl (United Kingdom)

Steel structure on base

As you emerge from the Downtown Crossing train station, the first exhibit you will see ifs Echoes: A Voice From Unchartered Waters. This exhibit in the shape of a whale is meant to ask us to consider our everyday activities on nature and the environment and to make us be more aware of its fragility. The exhibit not only lights up. It also makes sounds that you can only hear if you’re very close to it.

The artist Mathias Gmachl said he wanted to create a space for people to discuss the future of our planet.

The next 5 works of art were all completed by the same artist; Mark Jenkins. These are all listed below. Mark uses common household or personal items such as tape, wigs, fabrics, fishing rods (yes fishing rods) and rope among other items in his work. Although there is not ,more information available for all of these exhibits, I have included some info when I can find it. Since some of the exhibits relied on their lighting to add to their artistic value, I only went either at night or just before night time. I did like how the sunset or pre sunset light reflected on some of the installations.

Fisherman (Untitled #1)

Summer St at Chauncy St

It is not fish, but love, this person is trying to catch. Good luck, there!

The Swing (Untitled # 2)

Winter St at Tremont St

Woman Suspended (Untitled #3)

Temple Pl

*this exhibit is temporarily unavailable

Stairwalker (Untitled # 4)

31 Bromfield St

Clothesline (Untitled #5)

9 West St (the site of the outdoor lot at Brattle Book Shop)

Blissful Rendezvous

Summer Street Pedestrian Plaza

Kezna Dalz

Vinyl digital print

This exhibit was meant to show the commonalities between the Boston and Quebec provinces by including the flora and fauna of both locations and using Boston as its backdrop. You may notice some of the more notable landmarks and things common in Massachusetts and New England such as lobsters, deer and colorful flowers.

There are also 5 “play feature” exhibits made by LeMonde Studio. They make sounds, light up or do some other fun things based on user interaction.

Light Lane Bikes

Summer Street Pedestrian Plaza

I tried to get someone to ride these bikes so I could display the way the lights change but I had no takers. The colored lines on the bikes light up and moved as people pedal. That’s it!

Guitar Slide

City Hall Plaza

As the name suggests, there is a slide on the neck of this guitar

Music Box

High Street Place Entrance

Photo Frame

Summer Street Pedestrian Plaza

I was able to persuade someone to crank the lever on the device next to the frame and light up this picture frame!

Bird House

Hyatt Regency, One Avenue De Lafayette

This is another interactive exhibit. You simply crank the lever on the box and the bird makes some interesting sounds!

“End Game” (Nagg & Nell)

Max Streicher

Recycled vinyl signs, fans, steel cable

This was certainly my, and many other people’s, favorite exhibit. There were always a group of people stopping by to photograph it whenever I passed by the area. However, the back story of the characters in this exhibit is pretty grim. The inflatable heads are based on characters in the play by Irish novelist Samuel Beckett; End Game. In this play, the characters Nell and Nagg are forced to live out their lives in a dumpster after losing their legs. Yikes.

Myth And Evidence

Washing St and Court St

Mathieu Valade

Urethane animal shape, faux fur, metal, polycarbonate, plywood, wood

The mythical unicorn stands behind a frosted glass display. This was a tricky photo to take. I wanted to photograph it at night to show off the light in the display. Yet, the display did tend to reflect the glare from the street lights and lights from the storefronts. In retrospect, I should have photographed it from the other side.

Island Of Warmth

125 Summer St


Steel and light elements

Two hundred and twenty bulbs light up intermittently on this visual, musical and luminous display. The Island of Warmth is a tribute to Montreal’s festive tradition. But, despite the name, it’s not going to keep you warm. So, don’t try to warm up by it!

Territories 2.0

175 Federal St

Olivier Roberge

Steel, polycarbonate, paint, miniature models, LED lighting

Described as a “true narrative microcosm”, this walk in exhibit is a diorama which depicts a natural environment that has been abundantly transformed by human intervention and climate change.

Although it’s more like Springactive at this point, this exhibit is a must see if you’re in the Boston area! But, don’t wait. The displays will only be up until April 15!