Category Archives: President’s Day

City Of Presidents (Quincy, MA)

In the annals of presidential history, Quincy, Massachusetts, holds a special place.  The birthplace of two U.S. Presidents; John Adams and John Quincy Adams, Quincy, MA, has earned earned the nickname “City of Presidents.” (originally, both Adams’ were born in Braintree MA but their birthplace became Quincy after Quincy split from the town of Braintree in 1792, John Hancock was also from Braintree before the area was renamed Quincy).  In fact, the high school sports teams have adopted the menacing moniker, “Presidents.”

On this frigid Presidents Day, I decided to take a visit to the Old House At Peace Field, the retirement home of John and Abigail Adams as well as John Quincy Adams, when Presidents were really Presidents.  The Adams’ and their future generations would call this home  until 1927.


The Stone Library located adjacent to the Adams House.


The house is much prettier during the spring and summer.  Flowers of a wide spectrum of colors adorn the walkway and throughout the estate.  It is closed to the public until spring time.  But the front gate was open, as though they were expecting me.



Further down the road on Hancock Street, in front of City Hall, stands John Adams.


I was wondering why he was looking off into the distance (wary of the British perhaps?).  Then, I noticed a statue of Abigail and little John Quincy Adams was situated across the street.


Both of the Adams’ are buried in the United First Parish Church, located directly across from City Hall and, inconveniently for the drivers of Quincy, in the middle of the busy roadway.  It is also the church I almost got into a fight at as a child until the other kid said he, “didn’t fight in churches” pffft.  Oh, the memories.


There are other Adams’ residences and historical places, such as his original birthplace, also in Quincy, MA, that I will cover in later posts.

Happy President’s Day!