Category Archives: spring

Spring 2023

Date Of Visit: Spring, 2023

Locations: All over New England

Since I often visit many locations that I have already posted about previously, I don’t share these photos on my blog. So, I thought I should share some of the photos I post on Facebook from my Spring adventures on here.

As you can see, there are lots of photo opportunities during this season!

Webb Park (Weymouth, MA)

Because of its proximity to my residence and its beautiful views, I often visit Webb Park in Weymouth, MA, particularly during sunset.

Sometimes you’ll have an unexpected visitor

But, Webb Park isn’t just a great place to visit for sunset photos. There can also be some incredible clouds there. As I was taking these photos, all I could think about was how the clouds looked like waves. This strange weather is just an example of the unpredictable and crazy weather we’ve been having around here. There may be fiery skies and warm temperatures one evening and then cold and stormy skies another evening. Just like they say about New England weather. You don’t like it? Wait another 15 minutes!

Ipswich River Wildlife Sanctuary (Topsfield, MA)

Another one of my favorite haunts that I visit at least once a month regardless of the temperature or conditions is Ipswich River Wildlife Sanctuary in Topsfield, MA. There is a wide variety of wildlife there and the colors, regardless of the season, are stunning! And, of course, it was ducking season! In first photo in the second ro, the mam goose is keeping her babies warm.

But the highlight of my visit this spring was the Barred Owl (Strix Varia) I saw in May.

Bare Cove Park (Hingham, MA)

Another one of my favorite parks to visit is Bare Cove Park in Hingham, MA

There are pretty sunsets and a variety of wildlife there.

Stanley Park (westfield, MA)

Stanley Park in Westfield, MA, is another one of my favorite places!

There are also lots of wildlife at this park.

Winter Island Light (Salem, MA)

And, of course, I took a trip to my favorite lighthouse, Winter Island Light in April. The day started out dreary with a beautiful blue cloud covering. Then, the clouds broke and the sun made some beautiful colors!

You can view more of my photos here on my Facebook

New England Nomad

or at my newly updated New England Nomad website

Also, if you’re on Facebook and you want to see more photos from New England, please consider joining my Photographers Of New England group!